Data Lab 🥽


Hi, I'm Saeed

👨‍🎓 M.Sc in STEM from Uni Bremen
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Data Enthusiast
🕵️‍♂️ Problem-solver
💻 Coding Fan

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Tableau Dashboard of Covid Data

Project description:

  1. The data was pulled from
  2. The data covers 1st of January 2020 till 24th of January 2022.
  3. Dashboard consists of 4 interactive visualization:
    • Global figures of infection, death and death percentage
    • Bar chart showing death count accross continents
    • Line chart showing the flaccuation of percent of population infected in a group of countries
    • Color coded map based on infection percent as of 24.01.2022
  4. Access the Covid Dashboard on Tableau Public.